Through my research I have come across an endless amount of fashion blogs on the Internet that have been written by young guys. Style blogs, as described by, "are where the cool hunting eyes of would-be editors meet the selective tastes of the Internet fashion geeks." They have traditionally been seen as a female read, however they have now become beyond popular with numerous guys who enjoy fashion.
NY Times article, 12.01.12
Straight Talk: A New Breed of Fashion Bloggers
NOT every fashion blogger is a 15-year-old girl with an unhealthy obsession with Rei Kawakubo. Some are older. And some are men.
“There’s the same attention to detail.” In other words, these are macho fashion bloggers, writing for a post-metrosexual world. “It’s translating this sort of very-guy approach to something that’s so traditionally been quasi-effeminate,” Mr. Thoreson added.
Some are old hats who have embraced the digital age to spread their dandy message. But many more are fashion newbies — videographers, publicists and everyday retail hustlers who speak for a new generation of style-conscious men. The fact that they’re blogging about clothes that could have been worn by 19th-century miners means that they can gush about pocket stitching and still feel secure in their manhood. Indeed, much of the current hype over heritage labels can be traced to their corner of the blogosphere.
Here are five young male bloggers who are shaking up the online fashion world.
Here is just a tiny sample of fashion blogs written by guys that I have found. They give just a small idea of the fashion market I would like to appeal to for this project.
It's Jim Tot
Casper Keith
Sources:,, all of the blogs listed above
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